Tuesday 20 November 2007

The Ba' Game

The ba' game is an annual game in Orkney. It is played every Christmas day and new years day. It is like a football and rugby match merged together. However there are no rules to the game. There is two games each day, the boys ba' and the men's ba'. The game starts out side St Magnus Cathedral in the centre of Kirkwall.

There are two different teams, the Uppies and the Doonies. Originally were you were born depended on weather you we an Uppie or a Doonie. Those born to the north of the Cathedral were a Doonies, with Uppies being those born to the south. However family loyalty is more important to day so the boys just play for the team there fathers did and there grandfathers.
The ba' is a handmade, cork-filled, leather ball. Every time a game is played a new ba' is handmade by one of a few Orcadian ba' makers.

The Uppie have to touch the ba' against a wall in the south end of the town and the Doonies have the get the ba' into the water of Kirkwall Bay, to the north. Last year the Uppies won the ba' game. so the Doonies will be fighting even harderd this year to try and win.

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